The What for

GAME THE SYSTEM designs and develops interactive games that give people the opportunity to playfully explore the experience of tackling systemic challenges across various domains: economic, political, and social. We design by experimenting with live-interaction role-playing models, mapping multiple pathways of real action around real challenges and opportunities that immerse players in what feels like real-world problem-solving within ‘worlds’ (system environments) that they shape themselves through gameplay. We take these models into live environments with individuals and organizations, but we also use them as launchpads for developing real and digital game products and entertainment that can be shared and enjoyed at scale.

who’s behind it

We’re a merry band of purpose-driven dreamers and doers who believe in the radical power of play and connection to change the world. With backgrounds in academia, entertainment, entrepreneurship, advocacy, tech, and innovation, we bring a unique mix of expertise, diversity, experience, enthusiasm, and irreverence to this work. We’re excited to play fast and make things – and if you’re up for the game, we invite you to play with us.

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There is no beginning or end, only updates, and reminders about upcoming games and events.